Detailed Building Consulting and Reporting Services in NSW, ACT, and QLD

HBC Building Certification provides expert consulting and reporting services for residential, commercial, and industrial developments in NSW, ACT, and QLD. Whether you're starting a new build, upgrading, extending, or maintaining a property, we deliver comprehensive reports tailored to your unique requirements. All our reports are enhanced with recommended course of actions. Plan assessments (desktop audits) prior to application for development approval is another added value service HBC offers. Our consultative approach will guide and support applicants to successfully navigate the regulatory planning and building law frameworks in ACT, NSW and QLD.

Access Consultancy Reports

Accessibility is critical in all buildings. Everyone on your property needs to be able to enter, move around, and exit the premises safely and without any restriction, but ensuring this can be complicated. There is a lot to consider when building for accessibility, and details can get overlooked. We provide access reports for new and existing buildings, providing a consultation to assess the accessibility of your plans to inform out reports advising on solutions.

National Construction Code (NCC) Consultancy Reports

We can assess plans against the NCC to ensure compliance. We provide reports on your compliance status and make recommendations if compliance is not completely met. Our reporting ensures your building meets the NCC so you can commence building safely and avoid penalties and delays.

Pre-Existing Building Compliance Reports

For projects involving existing residential or commercial developments, we assess plans for compliance against the NCC before issuing a Complying Development Certificate. This ensures your building meets all necessary standards before any modifications begin.

Fire Safety Schedule Reports

For pre-existing buildings, we inspect the property and provide a report based on your building's fire safety schedule. Fire safety schedules outline the recommended requirements for your building to maintain fire safety at all times, ensuring the safety of occupants and property.

Other Building Reports

We also offer a range of specialised reports to support your building project:

  • DA Exempt Works Assessment Reports (ACT)
  • Expert Witness Statements & Reports (NSW & ACT)
  • Unit Titles Assessment Reports (ACT)
  • Demolition/Dilapidation Condition Reports - Commercial/Industrial Buildings (NSW & ACT)

Contact HBC Building Certification today to ensure your development meets all necessary regulations and standards. Our comprehensive reporting services provide you with the confidence to build safely and efficiently.

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